Of Getting Old and Ornery

Getting older is often portrayed as a gradual decline, gray hair and creaky joints; a journey marked by loss and limitation. Yet, there's a vibrant side to aging that is often overlooked: the emergence of wisdom, resilience, and yes, a certain delightful ornery spirit. If you’re not a bit grumpy as you age, are you even doing it right?


The Wisdom of Experience (and Sarcasm)

With age comes a wealth of experience. Life has thrown challenges, joys, and lessons our way, each contributing to a deeper understanding of ourselves and the world. This wisdom allows us to approach situations with a clearer perspective, making decisions that younger versions of ourselves might have struggled with. We become adept at discerning what truly matters, often shedding the trivial concerns that once occupied our minds. And you’ve lived through enough ups and downs to earn the right to drop truth bombs like they’re hot potatoes. Forget about sugarcoating things; now is the time to tell it like it is. “No, dear, that outfit does not look good on you,” is now your version of sage advice. 


The Joy of Authenticity (and Outrageous Opinions)

As the years roll on, the need to conform to societal norms vanishes faster than your memory of where you put your keys.  We become more comfortable in our skin, less swayed by societal expectations, becoming a connoisseur of your own opinions—those spicy, unfiltered thoughts that might have kept you up at night in your youth, now, you’re ready to express them at Thanksgiving dinner, right before someone asks if you’re still “into that technology stuff.” (Spoiler: You’re still figuring out how to unmute Zoom.)  This authenticity often manifests as a newfound boldness—an eagerness to speak our minds. Yes, we may become a bit ornery, but this is not necessarily a negative trait. It reflects a commitment to honesty and a refusal to accept nonsense. In a world that often values conformity, our unapologetic honesty can be both refreshing and liberating.


Finding Humor in the Mundane

Aging brings with it a unique sense of humor, a comedy show waiting to happen. Those daily annoyances? They’re comedic gold! The little things that once frustrated us become sources of amusement.  Whether it’s the absurdity of navigating new technologies that seem designed to confound rather than assist or telling the same stories at family gatherings until even you can’t remember the punchline, every moment can be a laugh. Embrace it! Who knew that forgetting your glasses could be the setup for an entire evening of jokes about “the good old days”?  Embracing this humor helps us bond with others, creating connections that transcend generations.


The Power of Resilience (and a Good Grumble)

Years of experience means you’ve weathered life’s storms, and boy, do you have stories! You’ve learned that resilience often comes with a side of grumbling. We've faced losses, disappointments, and setbacks, yet here we are, still standing. The world is absurd, and you’re here to call it out. “What do you mean my medical benefits don’t cover ‘aging gracefully’?” You’ve earned the right to complain—and trust me, it’s a workout for the vocal cords. This resilience isn’t just about surviving; it’s about thriving. It empowers us to tackle new challenges, whether they are personal or societal. The ornery spirit we develop often fuels our determination to push back against injustice or absurdity, reminding us that we still have a voice worth hearing.


Building Community and Legacy (with a Side of Sass)

Being old and ornery doesn’t mean isolating ourselves and sitting alone with a cat (though that can be fun, too). It’s about building a community of fellow warriors who appreciate the same strange sense of humor. Experiences allow us to mentor younger generations, sharing insights that can help them navigate their own paths. Share your wisdom, share your complaints, and maybe throw in a few of your favorite recipes (the ones that don’t require a “smart” oven). This exchange is a beautiful way to build a legacy, transforming our ornery spirit into a force for connection and growth. Together, you can navigate the joys of aging, one sarcastic comment at a time.


Getting old and ornery is not just about the accumulation of years; it’s about embracing the unique gifts that come with age. It’s about celebrating wisdom, authenticity, humor, and resilience. As we continue this journey, let’s cherish the ornery spirit that allows us to live fully, challenge norms, and connect with those around us. So, let’s raise a glass (or a mug of decaf) to the beautiful journey ahead, where being ornery is just part of the fun. After all, the best is yet to come, and it’s bound to be hilarious!

Things I Learned…

Welcome to “Things I Learned…”, the digital sanctuary where life’s lessons unfold like a well-worn storybook, filled with laughter, contemplation, and a sprinkle of absurdity. Here, amidst the cacophony of everyday existence, I invite you to embark on a journey through the labyrinth of human experience, where every twist and turn reveals a hidden gem of wisdom, gleaned from the tapestry of my interactions with the world.


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