How to Stay Appropriately Hip as We Age (Without Trying Too Hard)

Aging doesn’t mean losing touch with what’s happening in the world, or fading into the background and it definitely doesn’t mean you have to trade in your sense of style for orthopedic shoes (unless they’re the cute kind). In fact, aging is an art form that’s all about knowing what to let go of (goodbye, TikTok dance challenges) and what to embrace (hello, comfort and class). It can be a time to embrace life more fully, with the wisdom that comes from years of experience. Staying "hip" at any age is about being true to yourself while staying curious and engaged with the world around you.

If you’re wondering how to strike that perfect balance of staying cool without trying too hard, here are some tips to keep you appropriately hip—without breaking a sweat (or a hip!).

Stay Curious and Open to Learning

A key to staying relevant as you age is maintaining a lifelong curiosity. Whether it’s learning to use the latest apps, picking up a new hobby, or reading about current events, staying informed keeps your mind sharp and your conversations engaging. Don’t shy away from new technologies or ideas. Instead, see them as opportunities for growth. You don’t need to know everything about the latest tech, but staying curious keeps your mind sharp. Whether it’s learning how to text with more than just your index finger or mastering a new hobby, staying engaged means you’ll always have something interesting to talk about at family gatherings—and no one can accuse you of being “stuck in your ways.”

Maintain Your Personal Style

Aging gracefully doesn’t mean you have to give up on style. Stay comfortable but don’t be afraid to experiment with fashion that fits both your body and personality. If the last time you bought new clothes was when “Friends” was still airing live, it might be time for a wardrobe refresh. But don’t worry, you don’t need to go full runway model (seriously, who has time for that?). Instead, timeless classics with modern pieces to keep your wardrobe updated without trying to dress too young. You’ll still feel like yourself, but maybe with a little extra flair. The key is balance—being stylish without losing sight of what makes you feel comfortable and authentic. Do remember:  if it doesn’t spark joy or feels like a wrestling match to get on, it’s probably not worth it.

Embrace Technology (But Don’t Let It Control You)

Technology is a part of modern life and staying hip means embracing it. Get comfortable using smartphones, social media, and streaming services. It’s not about keeping up with every trend but knowing enough to stay connected with the world and those around you. You don’t have to be an Instagram influencer, but knowing how to post a cute picture of your dog never hurt anyone. And let’s be honest, who doesn’t love a good filter that takes a few years off? Plus, it can be fun to share your tech knowledge with others in your age group!

Cultivate a Youthful Mindset

The key to staying hip isn’t about pretending to be 25. More than anything, staying "hip" is about mindset, keeping an open mind and a sense of humor about life. Aging doesn’t have to mean getting stuck in old habits or becoming resistant to change. The next time someone tells you about their “side hustle” or a new trend you’ve never heard of, instead of rolling your eyes, try asking them about it. Keep a positive and open attitude toward life and new experiences. It’s about staying mentally active, trying new things, and keeping a fresh perspective. Who knows—you might just learn something. And if not, at least you’ll have a good laugh trying to figure out what on earth “cryptocurrency” is.

Stay Physically Active (Without Feeling Like You Need a Nap)

Maintaining physical health is one of the best ways to feel vibrant at any age. You don’t have to hit the gym for hours to stay fit. Whether it’s through walking, yoga, or even some light dancing in the kitchen counts (we see you shaking it to your favorite tunes while cooking) or even belly dancing, staying active gives you energy, keeps your body strong, and helps you feel confident. It also allows you to participate in activities with people of all ages, keeping you socially engaged. The key is staying active in ways that make you feel good—bonus points if it keeps you limber enough to bust out a smooth two-step at the next wedding reception.

Stay Connected to Your Friends and Community

Keep in touch and continue doing things with your friends. Travel, meet, eat out, play mahjong and all those other things you have always done together. There might be a couple of things that will need to change like getting a private tour instead of joining a group tour- the relief and happiness that getting picked up and dropped when we feel like! Haha…

Nothing says “I’ve still got it” like staying involved in your community. Whether it’s volunteering, joining a local club, or attending events, being socially active is not only good for your brain, but it also keeps you relevant. Plus, you’ll have great stories to tell, like the time you volunteered and ended up learning more about Instagram from a teenager than you ever thought possible.

Explore New Music and Media

Staying "hip" doesn’t mean you need to abandon your favorite classics, but it’s helpful to explore new music, shows, or movies that are popular today. You don’t have to love everything on the radio (and who could blame you?), but discovering new artists or binge-watching the latest popular show keeps you in the loop. It keeps you connected to popular culture, and you might discover new artists or genres you enjoy. It also gives you something to talk about with younger generations, bridging the gap between age groups.

And if all else fails, you can always play the “what are these kids listening to?” card—it’s a classic move😅

Pass on Your Wisdom, but Stay Open to Listening

Sure, you’ve got wisdom—decades of it. But being “hip” means knowing when to share and when to zip it. No one likes a lecture that starts with, “Well, when I was your age…”. Instead, drop nuggets of wisdom when it’s asked for (or when it’s too good not to share). Listening is just as important as talking. The younger folks might surprise you with their own insights. You might appreciate their perspectives or at least give you a good laugh with how complicated they make simple things. Creating an open dialogue between generations keeps you grounded and allows you to continue learning from others.

Keep the Spirit of Adventure Alive

Just because you’re not exactly spontaneous anymore (hey, planning is a good thing!), doesn’t mean the spirit of adventure is gone. As long as you’re able, keep exploring new places, whether locally or around the world. Travel keeps you excited about life and introduces you to new ideas, cultures, and experiences. It’s never too late to take that dream trip or explore a new hobby. Staying adventurous helps you maintain a sense of wonder, regardless of age. Life’s an adventure at any age, even if your idea of adventure is more “road trip” and less “skydiving.”

Embrace Authenticity (Because You’ve Earned It)

At the end of the day, being “hip” is about embracing who you are. Authenticity is always in style. There’s nothing cooler than being yourself. You’ve got a lifetime of stories, experiences, and opinions, and it’s time to own them. The secret to staying “hip” isn’t in chasing trends—it’s in being comfortable with who you are. So rock that gray hair, flaunt your laugh lines, and let people know that being confident in your own skin is what real cool looks like. Plus, when you’re genuinely yourself, you never go out of style. Being true to yourself will always be more compelling than trying to keep up with every trend.

Aging is a privilege—one that comes with its own set of perks. It doesn’t mean losing your edge or your sense of style—it’s about evolving while staying true to yourself. By staying curious, engaged, and most importantly, true to yourself, you’ll be hipper than you ever imagined. By keeping an open mind, staying connected, and embracing life fully, you can remain vibrant and relevant at any age.

Things I Learned…

Welcome to “Things I Learned…”, the digital sanctuary where life’s lessons unfold like a well-worn storybook, filled with laughter, contemplation, and a sprinkle of absurdity. Here, amidst the cacophony of everyday existence, I invite you to embark on a journey through the labyrinth of human experience, where every twist and turn reveals a hidden gem of wisdom, gleaned from the tapestry of my interactions with the world.

Of Getting Old and Ornery